Thursday, 28 August 2014

What a Wonderful Summer: Carnival Tabanca

Hi guys!

It is safe to say that I am back. In June & July I was working at the premier sporting tournament in Tennis: Wimbledon. What a great time it was my heart was trembling during the final matches well done to the Champions!!

The week after the tennis tournament I found myself frantically packing to go on vacation- back to sunny St Lucia. What a great holiday I had with family, friends and loved ones.

Hotel Pina Coladas- my favourite beverage

Collecting fresh coconuts

He gave us a coconut- delicious

I played mas aka carnival out there. Carnival is a great season where people go out to fete (parties) most of these are all inclusive meaning they include UNLIMITED food and drink. Carnival came and I found myself playing mas with Just 4 Fun Carnival band!

Carnival Day 1- Face

Full view of costume -Passion 2014 

To get you all in the spirit, and to feel the carnival tabanca with click the link below for top DJ Private Ryan's post carnival relief!

I have Tabanca y'all. This is an intense desire for carnival to return in all of its glory despite the fact we are all licking our wounds and recovering from intense food and intoxication!

Listen to the mix while scrolling through some photos I took in St Lucia. Perhaps a Part 2 Photo Diary will come soon.

Post Carnival Beach Selfie

Reduit Beach

Pidgeon Island

At the top of Peak 1

Random Lizard aka Henry

Anse Chasanet Beach



Anse Chasanet Beach

The Pitons


  1. looks like good fun,hope you had a great time

  2. Beautiful post.

  3. Thankyou!

    I love your blog, now following, follow back if you can love :)

