Friday, 20 June 2014

SOUL Post: Best Guacamole EVER!

Hi guys!

Summer is here, and a favourite at my house is my Guacamole.

I adapted this recipe from a Salsa Verde Recipe I discovered and also a Youtuber Benji's Guacamole recipe which you can fine here.

This is such a simple recipe and it is delicious as a snack with oatcakes/rice cakes or as a starter to share with tortilla chips! What makes this recipe even better is no machines are used, it is all by hand.

Your avocados must be ripe, and a must in this dish is the addition of Sriracha sauce. If you love guacamole that is flavoursome yet has texture this is for you!

So, here's what you need:

1 x Large bowl
1x Potato Masher

2  x Avocado
10 Baby tomatoes
Juice of half a lime
1x Small Onion
4 x Garlic Cloves
2 x Spring Onions/Scallion
Green Pepper

To season:
2 tbsp of Tamari (can substitute for Soy Sauce)
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Paprika
1/4 tsp Garam Masala
1 tsp Mixed Herbs
Extra Garlic Sriracha Sauce (can subsitute for regular Sriracha)

1) Finely chop up onion, green pepper, tomatoes, spring onion, and garlic cloves and set aside.
2) In a bowl crush the avocados with a potato masher until small chunks, for texture.
3) Add seasonings to the avocado and mix in the chopped ingredients; be sure to taste for seasoning.
4) Mix well and serve with a side of tortilla chips.



  1. Replies
    1. Hey Fatima ,

      Thanks so much ! I hope you try this recipe and let me know what you think. It's delish!!


