Sunday, 27 April 2014

SPIRIT Post: 3 Layers above The Sky

Hi all,

Another late night poetry post *2AM sessions* ! I looked up at the sky one day and it was like I could see God above the sky, with the earth below it; and wrote a short poem. As strange as it may sound it just made me realise that Earth is not where it starts or where it ends. All to life is not the material things we often crave and get caught up in letting define us. Enjoy life in abundance and know and have faith feeling assured that God is watching. Often times this has a negative connotation; but when you think about it God is keeping us safe. The world is a beautiful place, so many different colours, textures and landscapes! Whenever you feel down just look up to the sky; I know I do.

3 Layers Above The Sky

There's three layers to this life,
This life we cry,
Out why,
Like we're born to die,
So you try and reason,
Like we rule our own lives.
There's three layers to this life,
Beyond the sky,
Is the galaxy,
Beyond is the maker,
Of all things,
Don't ask why;

Beyond the sky,
Is the reason,
Watching all,
So great,
When in doubt just look up,
To the sky,
The lows higher than ever before,
The world so much smaller;

There's three layers to the sky,
The sky is not the limit,
Nor is the galaxy,
It leads to infinity,
The material things aren't,
What it's all meant to be,
We should be,

-Ekeisha E

Hope you enjoyed reading.


Saturday, 26 April 2014

Song Spirit & Soul: Photoshoot in the city!

Hey guys, happy Friday!

As you know I will be releasing my first EP 'Heart Strings' very soon. I'm kind of nervous about it but looking forward to the feedback you all can share on the songs I have written.

Last weekend I went shopping with the shoot in mind. I didn't want my outfit to look too put together but just to reflect myself. I would say I dress quite feminine, classy/chic with a slight edge to it. Headed to Westfield- Shepherds Bush with an idea of what I was looking for, first stop was River Island (a change for me as Miss Selfridge is my love). I tried on a lot of different items but went for the Inverted Collar Blazer in pink;I figured this would ad a subtle dash of pink and feminism to my outfit. It fits so well and because of the cut and material feels a lot more expensive than it is. I also picked up a super cute T No 1 New York Boutique Paris in white, similar to another blogger's but hers said 'Chanel No.5', I could not resist! I then ventured around stores taking a look around and stumbled into H&M. It really has become a second Primark for me in my eyes! The sale rack was amazing I found so many bargains- right up my street! Next purchase of the night, yes night it was 9.45pm by now was Topshop. I was looking for some good jeans, and Topshop have great jeans for great prices. I went for the MOTO Hyper Blue Wash Joni Jeans, they are super comfortable being stretchy and they have a great fit overall. I'm really into high waisted trousers/jeans at the moment. So these were my finds, accessories wise I planned on gold. These items I had already, that I picked up in December from H&M: Chain Bracelet in gold, a Gold Torque Collar from Miss Selfridge and Heart Diamond Studs (cannot remember where from), and a gold ring a gift from my mum. Shoes to be decided on the day (London weather is so unpredictable).

So today I finally had a mini shoot around London, with a great photographer/visual artist called Mattish. We had planned the shoot and decided on the location and the overall vibe that we were going for. The weather was not as great today so I could not wear my Kurt Geiger heels as I wanted to; so went for my go-to flats at the moment from Top Shop! We took many shots around the London-South Bank area. I'll be uploading pictures soon. Cannot wait to see how they turn out as I haven't seen any of the shots yet!

Hope you all have a great weekend. What have you got planned? I plan to work out tomorrow, accidentally raided the sweets this evening lol.


Friday, 25 April 2014

Song Spirit & Soul: Liebster Awards

I feel so honored as a new blogger, that I've been nominated for a Liebster award. Thanks to the lovely Louise Robertson, who you can find here.

Being nominated me being me I thought I would do a little research. After google searchng 'Liebster award' many bloggers posts came up, but one in particular stood out as to the origin of the award on Sopphey's Says'. Pretty cool indeed, I see this almost like a tag on Youtube for instance.

 So here goes my 11 answers to Louise Robertson's questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?
I stared blogging initially for uni as one of my modules required us to blog. But I thought why not share this with actual real people instead of creating something for uni alone. I quickly fell in love with blogging, I enjoy sharing my life as a student, food lover and a creative through my Song, Spirit & Soul blog posts. Every reader means alot and puts a smile on my face :)

2. How long does it take you get ready in the morning?
1-1.5 hours on a usual day for uni, but if it is a night out or a special occasion I like to take my time. Play some music, and get ready in a leisurely way, you know.

3. Describe yourself in 5 words
Quick witted, quiet, caring, day dreamer, optimist.

4. Favourite place you've ever been on holiday?
This is a tricky one! I've been to many places but in terms of culture and somewhere I'm DYING to go back to is Cuba. But Last summer my friend and I went to St Lucia and it was beautiful! We played carnival aka mas there and had a great wild old time. 

5. Most expensive item you've ever bought?
This is a tricky one too hmmm. Buying tickets to St Lucia along with our costumes and accommodation was pretty expensive! But item wise a cross between my 160 GB Ipod Classic or  hair..cringe. Good curls do cost money lol.

6. Who is your celebrity crush?
Celebrity crush....this would have to be Michael Ealy. He's taken now sigh. 

7. What book are you currently reading?
I'm currently reading 'Seven Spiritual Laws for Success'- Deepak Chopra, and finishing off Joyce Meyer's 'Living Beyond your Feelings'. 

8. Favourite song at the moment?
There's so many! But if I had to choose one it would be. Drum roll please!  'Part II (On the Run)'' -Jay Z ft Beyonce

9. Favourite makeup brand?
MAC all the way. I love their studio sculpt concealer (NC43) and their Mineralize Skin Finish (Dark)

10. Who inspires you?
I'd have to say my mother, she inspires me as a strong independent loving and kind woman.

11. One item you can't live without?
Some sort of recording device. I guess I'd choose my iphone. Yep. As a songwriter and musician I need to record ideas anywhere I go. Nothing like forgetting great ideas! 

I really enjoyed this. I guess now I have to choose some fabulous bloggers to do this tag also.

1) The Silver Cities:
2) Jenniquecreatives:
3) Jen Noir:
4) Downtown Chic:
5) Not Another Beauty Blogger:
6) Fatima Fabulous:
7) The Fashion Haven:
9) All The Rage:
10) ..A Touch Of Beauty:
11) YOU! 

Here are my questions for you:

1) What inspired you to create a blog?
2) If you had to choose one place to live, where would it be and why?
3) What is your go-to beauty product?
4) What are your three pet peeves?
5) Who is your favourite music artist and why?
6) What are your 3 favourite apps?
7) Which celebrity would you be if you could for the day?
8) You feel happiest when...
9) Which book(s) are you currently reading?
10) What is your most expensive fashion/ beauty item?
11) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Please follow me via bloglovin and I will follow you back. Can't wait to read your responses!


Saturday, 12 April 2014

SPIRIT Post: Freestyle

Hi Guys,

So I decided to type, type what was on my mind. Whatever came into my head. I love writing, poetry/lyrics so I may do some more of these random poetry freestyles; no edits.

Up against it all
Up against it all
Up against the wall
Up against the wall
It's not easy
To admit when we fall
Up against it all
Up against the wall
What's life
With no meaning at all
Up against it all
Up against it all
The trials and tribulations
Will one day feel so small
Up against the wall
Up against the wall
Always remember
You were called
For His plan
Up against it all
Up against it all
No mountain is ever too tall
Up against it all
Up against it all
No mountain is ever too tall

-Ekeisha Edet

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Life of a Year 2 Commercial Music Student: Spring Break....sorta!

Hi Guys,

So its the end of the year almost. With the thick of deadlines over, a few remain. Last week was manic with recording for the Songwriting module and writing essays and reports for The Released Recording module (Sharing and Culture pathways); often getting to bed at 6-7am! Now its just a question of composing, finishing touches and report as the EP looms and this May we are also putting on a mini London tour for uni band  XOEO; also part of The Released Recording.

As you can tell there is a blurred line between university work and our public lives as creatives. That is I feel the benefits of a practical course like studying a Commercial Music BA at Westminster.  When I studied Food Science & Nutrition at Surrey University it was the complete opposite- although interesting there was not much of the insight into our place in the industry itself.

I am trying to be efficient and plan out these weeks as much as possible. Its easy to be complacent and think that I've got loads of time on my hands. But the reality is three weeks and hand in date for EP and EPK are so close (a week) upon returning to university.

Next week is 'recording week'. I will be working with singer Sophie Ray on a song I wrote a few years back called 'In Retrospect', a song about a relationship and what I would do differently if I could, go back if I could, things that were not said, wishing I could undo etc etc. I love the word play I used in this song, and hope you the audience do too. Next week if my blocked nose and glands allow allergies I will record a song 'Thought I Could (Make it Better)'- but only time will tell. I wrote this song around the same time, a song I conjured up with Rihanna in mind strangely. Think 'Te Amo', for rhythm and vocal delivery.

The week after is....the mini photo-shoot! Finally as a songwriter I will have photos to promote and also act as artwork for the EP itself. A fellow songwriter friend I met years ago encouraged me to do this. So photos will be coming soon. It is scheduled after Easter Monday so that means not too much gorging on chocolates my White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies to be exact. I will have a recipe up for them soon!

Exciting times are coming- composing, writing and photos. I will make sure to be blogging. Let the count down begin to my debut EP 'Heart Strings'- a piece of my heart for the universe.



Monday, 7 April 2014

SOUL Post: The Juiciest BBQ Ribs You've Ever Had!

Hi guys,

So every now and then, I make ribs. These can be lamb or pork ribs. Now, when I do make them it is a time consuming process, so I have to be prepared and patient because these babies take over a day. BUT. They are completely worth it. I now often get requests from mum to make them.

I thought I'd share my signature ribs. To be honey it varies around this recipe. But the result is always tender, sweet goodness. Never will you have a tough chewy rib again.

What you will need:

A packet of ribs (pork/lamb)

For the broth:

Water to fill a medium sized pot 3/4 of the way
2 x sprigs of thyme
1 x large onion
half a head of garlic
 4 x bay leafs
 small piece of ginger
small handful of black peppercorns
 3 tbsp Bouillon Powder or (1/2 vegetable stock cube)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp clove powder
 1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cinnamon
 1 tbsp mixed herbs
pinch chilli powder

BBQ Sauce:

1 can of tinned tomatoes
1/4 cup ketchup
1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup agave or (honey/maple syrup)
 2  tbsp mustard
 1 tbsp mixed herbs 
 2 tbsp gluten free soy sauce
1tbsp bouillon 
1/2 cup of broth from ribs

(Note: this is a slightly healthier version: no salt is used as I try to limit this, as well as sugar)

Preheat Oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

1) Fill a medium pan with water 3/4 of the way
2) Chop onion, garlic & ginger coarsely and add to water
3) Add rest of ingredients and set pot on the stove to boil on a medium heat
4) Once boiling add the washed ribs
5) Turn the heat to low, and leave for 4-5 hours until the ribs are tender. (You don't want the ribs to be falling of the bone but the fork must go straight through without force)
6) Once the ribs are tender remove from the pot and put into a pyrex dish large enough and leave to cool whilst you make the sauce
7) Remove remnants from the pot and skim the residue from the meat- leaving a clear broth
8) In a new pot add can of tinned tomatoes, ketchup, molasses, agave, mustard, soy sauce and mixed herbs. Leave uncovered to boil on a low-medium heat until reduces down
9) Once reduced add broth and bouillon and leave on a low-medium heat
10) Continue to boil until the sauce becomes deeper in colour. Taste for sweetness and flavour desired and add water if becomes too thick
11) Once the sauce has deepened in colour, rich and sweet. Leave to cool until warm.
12) Once both the sauce and ribs have cooled, place onto a baking tray lined with foil. Spoon the sauce onto the ribs- giving a generous coating. (Save some for extra sauce once cooked.)
13) Cover with another piece of foil and place into the oven for 25-30 mins.
14) After 30mins remove the foil lid and place back into the oven to brown. Leave for another 25-30 mins making sure to turn the ribs over half way.

Serve with your favourite side/(s). Mine are usually sweet potato mash/ coleslaw (healthy version)/corn on the cob.

Bonne Apetite

Optional Side Dish:

Easy Peasy Sweet Potato Mash:

3 medium sweet potatoes
Pinch of cinnamon
Pinch of mixed spice
A healthy dash of mixed herbs
A knob of olive oil (dairy free spread)

1) Bring a pot of water to the boil on high heat
2) Add the potatoes and boil on a medium heat until soft, but not breaking apart
3) Drain water and add cold water to the pot. The skin will be easy to peel at this point
4) Once potatoes are peeled, add all ingredients and mash coursely with a potato masher
5) Scoop into serving bowls and serve sprinkle with a dash of mixed herbs