Friday, 25 December 2015

SOUL Post: The Best Caribbean Patties!

Hi all,

Christmas is approaching,is here and a firm favourite each year are my Patties. This recipe was inspired by Levi Roots Jamaican Sunshine Patties. All hail Mr Levi Roots as his recipe is full proof. After many a go at making the Patties I made my own, adapting on fillings as well as composition of spices in the pastry itself. A little more butter and a little more Turmeric for me and it is surely a winner. Also a must is to make the pastry at least a week in advanced and freeze, defrosting thoroughly the day before usage means that your pastry will be well rested and hold up well in the oven. Another must is to follow Delia Smith's tips on the perfect shortcrust pastry to ensure crisp, short pastry. 



  • 225g/8oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 3-4 tsp ground turmeric
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 115g/4oz cold butter, cut into small cubes 
  • 4-5 tbsp cold water 
1 free-range egg, lightly beaten

Lamb Filling:                            
                                                       500g Lamb Mince
2 tbsp Sunflower Oil
1 Red Pepper chopped into small cubes
2 Medium Carrots chopped into small cubes
2 Large Onions
3 Sprigs of Thyme
3 Cloves of Garlic Finely Chopped
1 Chicken or Vegetable Stock Cube
2 tbsp Salt
2 tbsp Black Pepper
3 Bay Leaves
3 tbsp Ginger Powder
3 tbsp Paprika
3 tbsp Clove Powder
3 tbsp Dried Mixed Herbs
2 tsp Curry Powder
2 tsp Cinnamon
2 tsp Nutmeg
2 tbsp Adobo Seasoning (or All Purpose)
A good dash of Soy Sauce
A squeeze of Ketchup
A dash of water

Preparation of the Pastry

  1. Sieve Flour, Salt, and Tumeric into a metal bowl.
  2. Cut the cold butter into the flour with a metal knife, until it is blended into the flour forming what looks like large breadcrumbs.
  3. Once combined with cold hands, lightly rub the butter into the flour. Ensuring that you rub softly with fingertips from some height. Just until small breadcrumbs are formed.
  4. Once roughly incorporated run the cold tap, until it reaches its coldest. A little at a time add approximately 1 tablespoon of water mixing with a metal knife to form a dough. Roughly incorporate with hands until a dough is formed. Do not worry if there are clumps of butter as this will make perfect pastry upon baking.
  5. Store dough in the fridge for 30 minutes or better still overnight in cling film  I like to store in the freezer a week in advanced.

Preparation of the Lamb filling

  1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees celcius or Gas Mark 6.
  2. In a large lidded pan on a medium heat, fry your chopped onions until beginning to turn golden brown. Then stir in your garlic along with Red Pepper and chopped carrots to soften. 
  3. Add in Lamb Mince stirring until beginning to brown, before adding all powdered seasoning apart from stock cube. Continue to stir ensuring all of the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  4. Once the meat is beginning to cook, the juices will run. Let this cook off as you continue string the meat. Once this has occurred add in your ketchup, soy sauce and sprigs of thyme.
  5. Allow the meat to simmer and juices to dry out slightly continuing to stir. If completely dries out add a little cold water.
  6. Now add a dash of water, as well as your stock cube. Stir thoroughly and allow the mince to cook until it is a thick sauce consistency. This should take approximately 25-30 minutes in total on a medium heat.
  7. Leave to cool completely. This is ideal made the night before.

Assembling the patties
  1. Roll out chilled dough onto a floured work surface with a lightly dusted rolling pin until approximately 0.5cm thickness.
  2.  Using a cutter or a bowl of 4.5 inches in diameter, cut 6-8 discs.

   3. Using a teaspoon fill each with 1 teaspoon of the lamb filling, covering the arc facing      you, leaving the other unfilled.
   4. Dab the opposite arc with water and fold over to meet the other side, pressing down  lightly with a fork. Then with a fork pierce three times on top. 

   5. Brush lightly with beaten egg and set aside on a baking sheet ready to bake.
   6. Repeat this until all of the dough is finished.


    7. Place on a lined baking sheet, and bake in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

The end result!

I can attest that these will not last long, this recipe will be a firm favourite. Thanks to Delia Smith and of course Levi Roots. Please thank me later, and do share your experience with making these Lamb Patties.



Thursday, 24 December 2015

Spirit Post: Christmas Eve Reflection

Good evening all, I hope you are all well and prepared for the christmas season ahead. A few days ago I begun the beautifying process started with nails- a pedicure as well as eyebrows etc. As far as cooking yesterday I made Lamb Patties as well as Cheese Rolls (Guyanese style) and today I have seasoned the roast duck as well as made the stuffing all ahead of Christmas Day tomorrow.

But first I wanted to check in with my last poetry freestyle for the year. To me Christmas is all about celebrating joy and peace with the ones that you love and value most. All of this stems from God who represents the greatest love of all. Reading the book of John in the Bible has humbled me and taught me about selfless love and standing up for yourself through God no matter what. Nobody believed who Jesus was yet he persevered, those who persecuted him he forgave and remained one with God, believing his own worth despite the negativity and hatred shown towards him.

In life seasons change and the hard times that we experience are only for a time. It is only our right that we fight for peace within ourselves, only then can we grow and blossom. I hope you all have a wonderful christmas full of joy and happiness throughout.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Artwork by Dorcas Creates

What are your New Years Resolutions?


Sunday, 1 November 2015

Song Spirit & Soul : Pinch , Punch First Of The Month! Chit x Chat and Goals

Let's say help to the new month, 1st November 2015.

Christmas is now only 53 Days away, with the new year 2016 looming. This is exciting and i was thinking why not plan today for the new year, why wait until 1st January to begin a new.

Starting from now to work on positive changes to your life can only be beneficial. For me I need to get fit, limit all carbs, fats and sugars to a bare minimum, as well as work out. Alas, I shall be joining the gym. Also setting a schedule to complete tasks; the early bird catches the worm, this schedule will coincide with goals i have set for myself, using the SMART formula. The SMART formula allows me to set goals within a set time frame- this limited pressure as well as puts you at ease as you can measure your targets.

Keeping my faith on track is another goal, sometimes life gets in the way of attending church on Sundays but when I do go I feel the blessings. TBN and youtube does come to the rescue during times when you need a faith top up. I recommend Toure Roberts and wife Sarah Jakes Roberts on Youtube, as well as Heather and Cornelius Lindsay. Also the greats such as Joyce Meyer and Bishop TD Jakes. Oh and the Bible App, is great for on the go, however not as personable. I try to keep my spirit in check rather than religiously following as this ensures I'm keeping up with a religion. A relationship with God is the most important thing.

Whether these views of mine will change is another but as I grow closer I am open to the journey.

Let's get talking, what is your take?


Thursday, 8 October 2015

SONG SPIRIT & SOUL Post: Poetry Freestyle: Finding Your Direction

Hi guys!

Today is National Poetry Day, so I thought why not post a poetry freestyle. I write this from the comfort of my living room, from my mobile phone. All due to wanting to share, and this I had to share before midnight!

Gone with the wind I was
Now at a point of transition
I find myself
Swaying with the wind
However firmly grounded
Thank God for God
What I would do without faith
I cannot answer
Self belief
A willingness 
Belief unbound 
On solid foundations
We can become
Not that we aren't great already
But we are only human
Live for today
Hope for tomorrow
And never give up
No matter how windy the road
How difficult the route
Come rain or shine
In pursuit 
I go
We go
You go.

Ekeisha Edet - 2015


Saturday, 29 August 2015

SONG SPIRIT & SOUL : Graduation!

Hello all,

I know, I have been away for quite some time but I have not been idle promise. So in July I graduated from University of Westminster with a 2.1 in Commercial Music, I was am so ecstatic.

Graduation day was 13th July 2015, at Royal Festival Hall, I was so happy to have my grandmother, aunt fly in all the way from New York and my lovely mother.

Before crossing the stage:

 After crossing the stage:

Hope the sheer number of photos makes up for lack of posts. This concludes my 'Year In The Life Of a Commercial Music Student' posts as I am now a graduate, here is to a new chapter. More compositions and piano coming!

Thanks so much for reading guys, posts coming ASAP!


Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Song, Spirit & Soul: Update x EP x Poetry Freestyle !

Hi guys,

I am checking in to say hello, thank you all for reading my blog and supporting.

I would like to share with you an exclusive, artwork for my upcoming project 'Enjambment'.

This is my next series of piano compositions that I will be releasing in MAY! I will let you know when I do.

Inspired by the never ending busy of London the city that I live in, I created compositions based on my inspiration of Classical composers such as Phillip Glass, Erik Satie and Chopin. I am also inspired by Jazz trio Phronesis as well as Baroque pop duo Chargaux for their skill, look and artistry.

I can't wait to share the compositions with you once they are out!

Here is a poetry freestyle:

the never ending of the never ending
the not so understood
so perfect in its confusion
it just is
goes on and on
with no end
the endless lights, crowd,
the stage of life
a show with endless
like a sentence
that never ends
runs of the page
into infinity
as life on earth
to the after life
it never ends
so lets live with purpose
live greatly
live wisely
go well
let the sentence run
run on 
may you make
that statement today

Ekeisha E

Also if you have not already see my website here:


Sunday, 29 March 2015

SONG, SPIRIT & SOUL: Life Of A Final Year Commercial Music Student: Tips for performing x See me LIVE!

Hi guys,

So as part of the Final Project module one of my objectives to get out there as a composer, and what better way to do this than by live performance. It is always nerve wracking just thinking of getting on stage, but once I'm on stage the nerves ease away.

Here are some personal tips for budding performers:

  1. Practise, practise, practise before hand. This is key as without practise your performance will not be perfect, and the more you practise the more you will be ready. Once you have the fundamentals down you can let go on stage and enjoy the performance more as you know the song inside out!
  2. Make sure that you arrive on time to the venue. Make sure you arrive well and early to the venue, this gives you time to settle in even before the sound check. Grab a drink, meet the other performers as well as the promoter of the event and chill. This way your nerves will be at ease, and you will be calm and ready for your performance! 
  3. Get used to an audience. The more you play in front of others the more used to people being present you will be. You will no longer be frightened as it will be normal, this will lead to enjoyment of performance rather than focusing on hiding the nerves.
  4. Feel the music. Always feel the music, get to grips with the pieces you are playing in its entirety. Play it with joy that inspired you to create the piece and really bring it to life, injecting your playing with energy and excitement for what you are performing. This will also enable you to engage with the audience.
  5. Enjoy the music. This is very very important. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the music, and enjoy your audience. Show them your very best, and just remember why you love composing, performing your songs. Everyone is there to see you, it should be a fun and exciting time. If you enjoy it, everyone else will no doubt about it!

I hope you find these tips useful, if you need more tips on overcoming anxiety on stage or performance in general see this on performance anxiety, here for pianist in particular, here for more in depth and technical advice. If you would like more advice in this area or sites to visit feel free to contact me.

Also come and see me live! Next week Friday 3rd April 2015 come to Sound Movement, Live Extra

Where: Canal 125, Caledonian Road, N1 9RG
Time 6pm-2am


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

SONG, SPIRIT, & SOUL: Poetry Freestyle

Hi guys,

So as I am sipping on Dandelion tea (aka Digestion Tea) I have decided to write another freestyle poem. I really enjoy doing these, and see you do too! Here goes:


You have been chosen
Chosen to live
Chosen to learn
Chosen to love
What a powerful thing
It is to be a chosen ONE
by THE chosen one
We hold so much power
You and I
Together we are limitless
We must live to learn
Learn to grow
Humbly united 
at the centre
the core
We must spread
to sow
Disperse to unite
Knowing that
if we fall
it does not mean failure
But greater potential
for flight.

Ekeisha E-2015

If you have not already take a listen to 'Moonlight In The Clouds' title track from my debut piano EP:

Friday, 13 February 2015

Final Year Of A Commercial Music Student: Composers and Inspiration

Hi guys,

So as you know I absolutely love composing, and for the module Final Project at university I have chosen to do another piano EP. This will be my love for Fusion, fusion I call is a mixture of classical and jazz as well as contemporary music which I plan to inject into this EP. That is why I have chosen to call it Enjambment. To me music never ends and never really starts, it is continuous. A continuous story, journey through time so to speak. It helps you through any situation and can always be replayed time and time again.

Here are some absolutely great composers I look up to, both from my Classical roots as well as my Contemporary peers:

Jazz Trio - Phronesis

Composer x Pianist - Alexa Lima

Composer x Musician- Yann Tiersen

I do hope that you can listen to these and let me know what you think! I am constantly looking for more composers to listen to, but here are my favourites and have been for some years now!

Here is a link to 'Moonlight In The Clouds' the title track of the EP.


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

SONG Post: Final Year Commercial Music Student- Moonlight In The Clouds

Hi all!

I hope you all are having a great week this week. I recently recorded my debut piano solo EP 'Moonlight In The Clouds'- a work inspired by my favourite French composers: Yann Tiersen, Erik Satie and Chopin to name a few.

Here I channeled film music, drawn by the subtleness and cinematic nature of Neo Classical pieces. My love of film music started a long time ago when I studied French GCSE in secondary school. I remember learning French and wanting to improve so picked up a copy of the DVD 'Amelie'. Yann Tiersen's compositions stuck with me since then and it was not until last academic year at university in Composing For Visual Media where we had to compose 10 minute compositions for a clip of video of a silent movie that my love was re-ignited and inspired.

I really enjoyed the process of recording a pool of 20 compositions to begin with and choosing four out of those to record professionally. The recording process went smoothly, I enjoyed playing on the Yamaha baby grand for the day.

Here you can listen to 'Moonlight In The Clouds' a piece I composed in secondary school, since then it has developed in terms of dynamics as well as adding phrases and melody.

Below I will show you artwork for this project. I really enjoyed creating this artwork with the minimal, black and white monochrome visuals. As a female I tried to keep this feminine in terms of having my hair curled, as well as in terms of the pose. I feel like the photographer did a great job here.

For anyone that would like to check out my new website dedicated to music you can here: . Here you can have access to all compositions, gallery and more!


Friday, 23 January 2015

SONG, SPIRIT & SOUL: Poetry Freestyle

Hi guys!

Happy Friday to those of you on this side of the hemisphere. I am typing this at 01:01am. The end of the week is the best time for most. When you get that Friday feel in' nothing can beat that! Here goes my first poetry freestyle as I can't sleep.

Look Within

Looking in from the outside
The night sky on the horizon
The melody of the wind
Says to look within
Look within for strength
Look within for hope
Look IN from the OUTSIDE
Outside may look like a lot
A lot that meets the eye
But not the heart
With our eyes we see
With our heart we feel
So I say to you
Look in from the outside

Your heart says ALOT!

Ekeisha Edet- 2015


Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Song, Spirit & Soul : Happy New Year!

Hi everyone!

I'm sure you have noticed I have been M.I.A! But rest assured I had an amazing holiday season and I hope you did too!

Now that 2015 is here we all have our resolutions. Instead of resolutions I prefer goals, a small list of achievable ones. Using the SMART formula I have written down three goals, and within these tasks required to actually achieve them. This is something I learnt in Professional Development at uni- and it is SO useful. Once you write some goals down and have a strategy you feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders!

Hope you all get those goals up and running and 2015 is an amazing year!

I plan to bring a lot more to the cyber world, so look out for more. So much is happening this year including some NEW music of course. I will be recording and releasing a piano EP 'Moonlight In The Clouds' this month! Snippets as well as letting you in on my musical journey will be here too.

This year mum decided no cooking, so we went to The Hilton hotel for Christmas lunch. It was great! We were sure to pig out, and enjoy the festivities!

Here are some photos from this years Christmas:

Christmas Eve Martinis

Christmas Day Celfie

Waiting for the guests





Christmas Tree

New Years Eve we cancelled all plans and stayed home, since we had guests on New Years Day. Dressed up to welcome 2015 of course!