A friend of mine tweeted a video titled 'Why I hate Religion, But Love Jesus' a poem written by a guy who goers by the name of JeffBetheke aka Jefferson Betheke about his journey to becoming a Christian where he highlighlights the difference between religion (Christianity) and being a believer of Jesus Christ in his eyes. A catholic priest responded in the same spoken word form, video entitled: 'Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus, showing the Catholic perspective.
I found this extremely interesting as I had never thought of separating religion with being a believer. Refreshing I think- as a believer in love and positivity most of all.
After watching Jefferson's spoken word and the response in a Catholic's perspective, I wrote my own poem in a sense. Unedited & Uncut, first words typed into my iPhone here it is:
If we love
We tear down all barriers
All divides gone
To this day still
Creates separation and divide
Christianity split into
Via Henry the 8th
Who wanted to get divorced and remarried
Religion has been another form of segregation
I do believe if we are to
Being a follower of Jesus Christ
We do need the umbrella Christianity
Which is in turn a religion
As the way the world
Society works
The security held in
Faith and religion
Can be damaged
And make it impossible
To seek the love
And relationship
With Jesus
As you can tell I can see and understand both points of view.
See the video links below.
Food for thought. Refreshing!
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word
Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus || Spoken Word